Yates Clonex Rooting Hormone Gel Directions for Use

Clonex is not new but wow, it's popular. It's been the go-to for indoor and outdoor professional nurseries, growers and hobbyists for more than 20 years. Yates Clonex works a treat for initiating root development and growth when propagating cuttings. Here's what it is, what it does, and how to use it for best results at home...


How do you use Clonex?

Quite literally dip and grow! It instantly and completely seals the cut tissue, helping prevent infection and disease, as well as dreaded emobolism
(where air gets in and prevents the stem from taking up water - the same reason florists tell you to cut stems underwater). Being a gel, it also stays in contact with the stem throughout the rooting period. 

1. Take your fresh cutting - a 5cm to 15cm healthy growth tip is best (that's called a softwood cutting) - cut on an angle just below a node.

2. Remove the lower third or so of leaves from your cutting.

3. Dip the lower 1.5cms of the stem directly in to your Clonex gel.

4. Remove and shake off any excess gel, then simply plant immediately in to your substrate. Done!

How should you store Clonex?

Since Clonex is stable, and in gel form, you can store it in any cool, dry place. It does not require fridge storage. 

Product and safety precautions

Store in a cool, dry place - Keep out of reach of children - Store in the original container - Do not store or leave in direct sunlight - Dispose of properly. Do not let container or product get into drains, sewers, streams or ponds - Dispose of empty container by wrapping in paper, popping inside a plastic bag and putting in with your normal rubbish (not in with your recycling). 

The safety data sheet is available for download on Yates NZ website if needed.