


No plants available right now (when there are plants available, they will be listed at the top of the first page). As I grow my own plants I don't always have plants for sale (but do always have supplies for your plants!). We moved recently so I'll be temporarily without plants until the greenhouse is set up (likely early 2023).

Each plant is one of one. Each photographed separately. You'll receive the exact plant shown. Welcome to therapy.  Plant therapy.  Love That Leaf is here to support your foliage addiction.  Plants make me happy.  I love plants.  I want you to be happy.  So I sell plants.  Badda bing, badda boom.  

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100% NZ In stock in NZ ready to ship
Fast delivery 1 to 2 days for most of NZ
FREE Shipping For all orders $99+ shipping NZ wide
Pay later Afterpay and ZIP available
100% NZ NZ owned. All in stock locally.
Guaranteed :) Anything wrong I'll put it right