Teku clear pots. The Kim Kardashian of the pot world. Famous for their bottom. The ultimate combo. Clear pots + superb drainage. Keep an eye on root health + a reduced risk of root rot. Win win. Shop the Teku range below.
TEKU MINI Clear Nursery Pot - 5.5cm x 5.5cm - from 85c each
From $0.90 - $4.25
TEKU 11 Clear Nursery Pot - 11cm x 11cm - from 99c each
From $1.05 - $4.95
TEKU 15 Clear Nursery Pot - 14.5cm x 12cm - from $1.20 each
From $1.30 - $6.00
TEKU 17 Clear Nursery Pot - 16.5cm x 14.5cm - from $1.80 each
From $1.99 - $9.00
Showing items 1-4 of 4.