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No judgement here. I was guilty of all 5 of these when I started out. Even experienced indoor plant hobbyists make these common mistakes.

The thing is, the harm these myths and mistakes can cause to our indoor plants is totally avoidable.

Plus to be fair, some of the blame sits on the shoulders of our well-meaning outdoor garden buddies applying their experience to the indoor plant hobby.

So if you're guilty of these too, please don't feel bad. You're definitely not alone!

The first myth is a perfect example of one that helps outdoor plants, yet can kill indoor plants by causing root rot (and no, it's not you overwatering).

It's probably inside your plant's pot right now.

Even the name of this myth is SO misleading. Yet completely understandable when you know why it works so well for plants in containers outdoors.

But once you know what it actually does, it'll be obvious why this common practice is the exact opposite of what your indoor plants need.

Find out now what all 5 myths and mistakes are. Your plants will thank you for this!

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That means you'll be the first to hear about new plant arrivals and find out about new products for your plants. Don't miss out.

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The 2nd myth is so common I'd be surprised if you aren't already making this mistake (I definitely used to).

It's what you do - and don't do - in Winter, that sets your plant up for all that lovely lush Spring and Summer growth next season.

But if you follow the advice of our outdoor garden buddies in Winter, come Spring you'll have smaller, slower, stunted growth.

Some unlucky plants will even start Spring with yellowing, dying leaves, deformed new growth and weak stems, along with new leaves and buds that die early.

All easily prevented by fixing myth #2 this winter.

Discover all 5 myths and mistakes to avoid killing your plants. Get your free guide by entering your email below. When you sign up, you'll also join the Love That Leaf email list.

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The 3rd myth is a baddie disguised as a goodie.

I used to do this because I honestly thought I was helping my plants.

But if you make the same mistake I did, your plant will kill off one leaf after another until you fix the cause.

Luckily there are 2 simple things you can do to fix this before it's too late.

The 4th myth has such a high feel-good factor for us, yet does no good for our plants.

My hand's definitely up for falling for this one too.

One thing this does do is attract fungus gnats. No thank you.

There are MUCH better, faster and more effective ways to fix this for your plants.

Find out what signs to watch out for, and the 2 bug-free ways to fix it.

Lucky last (although not so lucky if you're a plant), is myth #5.

When you stop and think about it for a second, of course this has to be a myth. Queue a Homer Simpson 'Doh!' moment.

No, this is NOT what our indoor plants like. But you might want to keep believing this one anyway.

It turns out the reason why we do this to our plants is to save them from us!

Discover what these 5 myths and mistakes are and your plants will be so much happier and healthier.

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When you sign up, you'll also join the Love That Leaf email list (yes, you can always just get your free guide then one-click unsubscribe later).

Once you're on the list you'll also be the first to hear about new plant arrivals and find out first about new products for your plants so you (and your plants), don't miss out.

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